21 Drivers of the Surge in European Conservative Support

In recent elections across Europe, there’s been a significant swing to the right. Why are voters in various EU countries increasingly backing conservative and right-leaning parties?

1. Economic Concerns in Italy

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In Italy, economic stagnation and high unemployment rates have boosted support for parties like Brothers of Italy, led by Giorgia Meloni, who promise rigorous economic reforms and nationalist policies.

2. Migration Worries in Greece

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Greece has been at the forefront of the European migration crisis, leading to increased support for the New Democracy party, which advocates for stricter immigration controls.

3. National Sovereignty in France

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In France, Marine Le Pen’s National Rally capitalises on sentiments that the EU undermines French sovereignty and identity, promising to reclaim control from Brussels.

4. Security Issues in Germany

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Germany’s AfD (Alternative für Deutschland) has gained traction by focusing on security and law enforcement, appealing to voters concerned about crime and terrorism.

5. Anti-Establishment Sentiments in Spain

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Voters disillusioned with traditional parties in Spain have rallied behind Vox, a party that criticizes the political elite and promises to tackle corruption and restore national pride.

6. Populist Appeals in Hungary

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Hungary’s Fidesz party, under Viktor Orbán, successfully uses populist messaging to present simple solutions to complex issues like economic reform and national security.

7. Media Influence in Poland

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In Poland, the Law and Justice party (PiS) benefits from favourable coverage by state-controlled media, which helps shape public opinion in support of its right-wing agenda.

8. Economic Recovery Plans in Sweden

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Sweden’s Moderate Party has promised robust economic policies aimed at recovering from the pandemic’s impacts, appealing to fiscal conservatives.

9. Cultural Preservation in Austria

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The Austrian People’s Party combines a focus on cultural preservation with tough stances on immigration, resonating with voters who feel threatened by demographic changes.

10. Law and Order in Belgium

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Belgium’s Flemish Interest party has seen growth by advocating for stricter law enforcement policies, tapping into concerns over urban crime and safety.

11. Euro-Scepticism in the Netherlands

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The Dutch Party for Freedom, led by Geert Wilders, gains support through its strong Euro-sceptic and anti-immigration rhetoric, appealing to nationalistic sentiments.

12. Economic Nationalism in Finland

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Finland’s Finns Party has increased its appeal by promoting economic nationalism, advocating for policies that favour Finnish workers and businesses over EU directives.

13. Reaction to Globalism in Denmark

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The Danish People’s Party promotes a platform that reacts against globalism, advocating for maintaining Danish cultural norms and stricter immigration laws.

14. Anti-Corruption in Bulgaria

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In Bulgaria, there is growing support for right-wing parties that campaign on anti-corruption platforms, promising to clean up the entrenched systemic corruption that plagues the country.

15. Fiscal Conservatism in Ireland

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Ireland’s Fine Gael maintains relevance by advocating for fiscal conservatism, appealing to middle-class voters concerned about government spending and economic management.

16. Traditional Values in Slovakia

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Slovakia’s People’s Party – Our Slovakia champions traditional Christian values and national history, attracting conservative segments of the population.

17. Government Accountability in Portugal

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Portugal’s Chega party gains ground by promising greater government accountability and stringent measures against corruption and economic mismanagement.

18. Local Economy Focus in Croatia

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Croatian conservative parties emphasize protecting local industries and agriculture from EU competition, promising to safeguard national economic interests.

19. Veteran Benefits in Latvia

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In Latvia, right-wing parties appeal to voters by promising increased support and benefits for veterans, tapping into a strong sense of national service and patriotism.

20. Energy Independence in Lithuania

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Lithuania’s conservative leaders argue for greater energy independence from Russian gas, a stance that gains importance amid rising geopolitical tensions.

21. Welfare Reform in Estonia

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Alexandros Michailidis

In Estonia, conservative parties propose significant welfare reforms, aiming to reduce dependency and encourage self-sufficiency among citizens.

Tipping to the Right

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Alexandros Michailidis

As these trends continue, the European political landscape seems increasingly inclined to tilt to the right. Will this shift lead to stronger national identities, or could it risk the unity of the EU as a whole? What’s your take?

The post 21 Drivers of the Surge in European Conservative Support first appeared on Lists Lovers.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / EricBery.

For transparency, this content was partly developed with AI assistance and carefully curated by an experienced editor to be informative and ensure accuracy.

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