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Why Rejoining the EU Could Embarrass the UK

Is rejoining the EU really a smart move for the UK? Consider how it might make the UK look. Here’s why it could undermine our democracy and turn us into a joke. 1. A Crisis of Democracy Would rejoining the EU make a mockery of our democratic vote to leave? Flipping our stance now could … Read more

20 Things Brits Do That Drive Us Mad – And Yes, We’re Talking About Ourselves

Brits are known for their politeness, but let’s face it, there are some truly infuriating habits we can’t stand about ourselves. Are you guilty of any of these? And is one of the things you hate… yourself? 1. Queue Jumping Nothing sparks British rage quite like queue jumping. Are you one of those despicable creatures … Read more

20 Challenges Millennials Deal With Daily

Modern life for millennials often feels like navigating a minefield of absurd expectations. Why does it seem like every generation is out to critique our every move? 1. Buy a House by 30 Despite stagnant wages and skyrocketing house prices, we’re still expected to own a home by 30. In cities like London, where the … Read more

How Stable Is the UK Economy? 21 Clues

As much as we’d like to paint a rosy picture of the UK economy bounding back like a spring lamb, the reality might be more akin to an old bulldog trying to get up from a nap. Here’s a jaundiced eye at the less-than-stellar signs that the UK’s economic recovery might be more of a … Read more

Proudly Fly the Pride Flag: 15 Reasons

Flying the Pride flag is more than just a colourful display; it’s a powerful symbol of visibility, acceptance, and rights for the LGBTQ+ community. As the flag soars, it sends a message of inclusion and support, breaking through the static of indifference and challenging the status quo. 1. Advocating Visibility Raising the Pride flag makes … Read more

Understanding Affirmative Action: 15 Key Facts

Affirmative action can be a hot-button topic, shrouded in misconceptions and heated debate. It’s designed to address systemic inequalities and create more balanced opportunities across education, employment, and beyond. Here’s a breakdown of the essentials to help clarify what affirmative action involves and why it matters. 1. Definition and Purpose Affirmative action refers to policies … Read more

Missing Home: 21 British Luxuries That Expats Can’t Live Without

Living abroad can be an exhilarating adventure, but every Brit knows there’s no place like home. Ever wondered what Brits abroad miss the most when they swap their wellies for sandals? 1. Proper Cuppa Nothing starts the day quite like a proper British cup of tea. Many expats lament the lack of readily available Yorkshire … Read more

Is Britain Really the Best? What We Think We Excel At

Ever wonder why we Brits have that quiet sense of superiority in certain areas? Well, it’s because we genuinely believe there are some things we simply do better. Here’s a list of things we Brits reckon we excel at, and yes, we’re being a bit cheeky about it. 1. Queueing Let’s start with the obvious: … Read more

Beyond Cake and Candles: 20 Fascinating Birthday Customs Worldwide

Ever wondered how the rest of the world throws a birthday party? Forget the typical cake-and-candles routine; some cultures take birthday celebrations to an entirely new level. From firework-laden festivals in Mexico to tranquil tea ceremonies in Japan, here’s a glimpse at how 20 different places around the globe turn another year older into an … Read more

UK’s Toughest Times: 15 Pressing Issues Threatening the Nation

The UK, like many nations, faces its share of challenges. From economic hurdles to social issues, here’s a concise look at 15 reasons the UK is navigating troubled waters. 1. Economic Slowdown Post-Brexit trade complications and global economic pressures have contributed to a slowdown, impacting industries and employment rates. 2. Brexit Aftermath The ongoing adjustments … Read more