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Brexit Promises vs Reality: What Wasn’t Delivered

Remember when Brexit was sold as a straightforward, win-win situation? As it turns out, the road to Brexit was paved with not-so-good intentions and a fair share of outright fibs. The campaign was a masterclass in misinformation, selling Britons a basket of more fictional promises than a Sunday night drama. Now, with the benefit of … Read more

21 Beloved Films That Wouldn’t Pass Today’s Scrutiny

Some movies we loved as kids just wouldn’t fly today. Times have changed, and so have our views. Here are some classic films that might cause a stir if they were made now. 1. The Breakfast Club (1985) This iconic teen drama might be a favourite, but its handling of issues like sexual harassment and … Read more

Why the EU Needs the UK: 21 Reasons They Can’t Say Goodbye

The UK and the EU have a deep and complicated relationship. Even though the UK has left the EU, there are many reasons why the EU still needs the UK just as much, if not more. Here are 21 key ways the EU benefits from keeping a strong connection with the UK. 1. Financial Contributions … Read more

The Truth Behind 20 Common British Myths

Let’s set the record straight by uncovering the truth behind 20 things you’ve always thought were true but are actually just popular myths. 1. The Great Wall of China Is Visible From Space Contrary to popular belief, the Great Wall is not visible from space with the naked eye. 2. We Only Use 10% of … Read more

19 British Landmarks That Have Lost Their Former Glory

Once symbols of British pride and innovation, these landmarks have seen their brilliance dim, suffering from neglect, over-commercialisation, or simply becoming outdated. 1. The Gherkin, London Once a striking feature of London’s skyline, the Gherkin has been eclipsed by newer, taller skyscrapers. What was once an iconic symbol of modern architecture now blends into a … Read more

21 Ways Budget Cuts Continue to Affect the UK

Despite Labour’s efforts to roll back austerity policies, the long-lasting effects of a decade of Tory cuts continue to haunt the country. The damage runs deep, with communities across the UK still feeling the strain in everyday life. 1. Social Care in Crisis Years of cuts to social care left the system in shambles, with … Read more

20 Surprising Facts About UK Immigration Policies

The UK’s approach to immigration is complex and often contentious. Here are 20 surprising facts about these policies that shed light on their scope and impact. 1. Points-Based System The UK uses a points-based immigration system, focusing on skills and qualifications to determine eligibility, much like Australia and Canada. 2. Health Surcharge Increase Immigrants must … Read more

20 British Behaviours That Are Both Funny and Embarrassing

Brits are known for their politeness, but let’s face it, there are some truly infuriating habits we can’t stand about ourselves. Are you guilty of any of these? And is one of the things you hate… yourself? 1. Queue Jumping Nothing sparks British rage quite like queue jumping. Are you one of those despicable creatures … Read more

21 Common Myths You’ve Probably Believed All Along

Let’s set the record straight by uncovering the truth behind 21 things you’ve always thought were true, but are actually just popular myths. 1. The Great Wall of China Is Visible From Space Contrary to popular belief, the Great Wall is not visible from space with the naked eye. 2. We Only Use 10% of … Read more

Discover the UK’s Best-Kept Secrets: 21 Charming Towns and Villages

Step into a tapestry woven with the threads of time, where cobblestone streets whisper tales of yore and quaint cottages bloom with floral splendour. From the rolling dales of England to the rugged highlands of Scotland and the pastoral hills of Wales, these charming towns and villages are the very essence of picturesque Britain. 1. … Read more