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21 Positive Affirmations for Our LGBTQ+ Friends

It’s time to shatter the silence, ignite the flame of solidarity, and unleash a torrent of affirmations that echo through the corridors of love and acceptance. So strap in, because we’re about to embark on a journey that challenges norms, sparks conversations, and celebrates the beautiful mosaic of identities within our LGBTQ crew. 1. “I’m … Read more

21 Signs UK Economic Recovery Is Losing Momentum

As much as we’d like to paint a rosy picture of the UK economy bounding back like a spring lamb, the reality might be more akin to an old bulldog trying to get up from a nap. Here’s a jaundiced eye at the less-than-stellar signs that the UK’s economic recovery might be more of a … Read more

15 Reasons to Fly the Pride Flag High and Proud

Flying the Pride flag is more than just a colourful display; it’s a powerful symbol of visibility, acceptance, and rights for the LGBTQ+ community. As the flag soars, it sends a message of inclusion and support, breaking through the static of indifference and challenging the status quo. 1. Advocating Visibility Raising the Pride flag makes … Read more

15 Vital Pillars of Affirmative Action

Affirmative action can be a hot-button topic, shrouded in misconceptions and heated debate. It’s designed to address systemic inequalities and create more balanced opportunities across education, employment, and beyond. Here’s a breakdown of the essentials to help clarify what affirmative action involves and why it matters. 1. Definition and Purpose Affirmative action refers to policies … Read more

10 Billionaires Paying Less Than Their Expected Tax Share

Billionaires often pay less in taxes than many expect. They use legal methods and tax law knowledge to reduce their tax bills. This list looks at ten billionaires and how they’ve managed to avoid paying more. 1. Jeff Bezos According to a ProPublica report, Bezos paid no federal income tax in 2007 and 2011, leveraging … Read more

15 Garden ‘Hacks’ That Could Cost You More Than You Bargained For

I love to garden. It’s therapeutic, gets me out in the fresh air, and lets me reconnect with nature. But it can get expensive, too. And, while there are plenty of genuine ways to save money on gardening costs, there’s also some terrible advice and “hacks” out there that will ruin your garden and end … Read more

21 Things You Thought You Knew BUT Don’t

Let’s set the record straight by uncovering the truth behind 21 things you’ve always thought were true, but are actually just popular myths. 1. The Great Wall of China Is Visible From Space Contrary to popular belief, the Great Wall is not visible from space with the naked eye. 2. We Only Use 10% of … Read more

18 Reasons Luxurious Travel Doesn’t Always Bring Happiness

Luxury travel is often painted as the pinnacle of vacationing experiences — images of sipping champagne over crystalline waters and sleeping in beds that feel like clouds. But sometimes, the golden ticket to paradise comes with its own set of golden handcuffs. Here’s why throwing down the platinum card for a taste of the high … Read more

20 Unique Lodgings for Cultural Immersion

Seeking a travel experience that’s a step off the beaten path and immerses you in local tradition and culture? For those ready to swap the hotel chain experience for something more genuine, yet still prioritizing safety and practicality, we’ve curated a list of 20 unique traditional stays around the globe. Pack your bags, and let’s … Read more

Globetrotting Birthdays! 20 Unconventional Bashes Worldwide

Ever wondered how the rest of the world throws a birthday party? Forget the typical cake-and-candles routine; some cultures take birthday celebrations to an entirely new level. From firework-laden festivals in Mexico to tranquil tea ceremonies in Japan, here’s a glimpse at how 20 different places around the globe turn another year older into an … Read more