The Brexit Promises That Weren’t Kept

Remember when Brexit was sold as a straightforward, win-win situation? As it turns out, the road to Brexit was paved with not-so-good intentions and a fair share of outright fibs. The campaign was a masterclass in misinformation, selling Britons a basket of more fictional promises than a Sunday night drama. Now, with the benefit of … Read more

21 Steps to a Better, United Britain

It’s no secret that the UK has been through a rough patch. Here are 21 ways we, as a nation, could revitalise our country and ensure a better tomorrow for all. But will we? 1. Invest In Infrastructure We could start by fixing our crumbling roads and railways, reducing traffic congestion, and improving public transportation. … Read more

Losing Touch: 18 Reasons the Church of England Fails Today’s Society

The Church of England has been a cornerstone of British society for centuries, but it’s increasingly out of touch with modern life. With declining attendance and outdated views, it’s clear the Church needs a serious update. Ever wondered why so many people feel it’s lost its relevance? 1. Declining Attendance Fewer people are attending services. … Read more

Right-Wing Movement: 21 Signs of Political Shift in the UK

A shift toward the right wing often heralds significant changes in a country’s policies, societal norms, and international relations. Right-wing politics typically emphasize national sovereignty, traditional values, and a market-oriented economy. Here are 21 signs indicating the UK might be moving in this direction, along with insights into why these shifts occur. 1. Increased Nationalism … Read more

UK’s Culinary Heritage: Top 20 Must-Try British Dishes

Food in the UK isn’t just about bland meals and overcooked vegetables anymore. With a blend of tradition and multicultural influences, British cuisine offers some truly beloved dishes. Ever wondered what the nation’s top choices are? 1. Spaghetti Bolognese A go-to for many households, spaghetti bolognese is quick, filling, and versatile. This Italian import has … Read more

Is Starmer Steering Right? 21 Telltale Signs

Keir Starmer’s leadership of the Labour Party has not been without its shifts and shakes. As the political tectonic plates move, how far right has Starmer taken Labour? Let’s break it down, shall we? 1. Tone Down the Rhetoric Starmer has softened Labour’s previously fiery rhetoric, aiming for a more moderate, centre-ground appeal that echoes … Read more

18 Surefire Ways to Irritate Boomers Every Time

Here’s your guide to mildly annoying your beloved Boomers with a smirk, all in good fun of course. Whether it’s baffling them with the latest tech or challenging their nostalgia, we’ve got you covered. So, if you’re ready to tease a little and provoke some playful eye rolls, keep scrolling. Let’s bridge the generational gap … Read more

21 Reasons France Might Take the Brexit Leap

As Brexit continues to stir discussions across Europe, France, with its own unique set of challenges and aspirations, might just consider a similar path. But what could push the French towards a ‘Frexit’? 1. Sovereignty Boost Many in France cherish national sovereignty, resenting EU constraints on their legal and political systems. A Frexit could restore … Read more

Unexpected Wins: The Hidden Perks of Brexit Unveiled

Brexit has had its share of challenges, but it’s also led to some unexpected positives. Ready to reluctantly explore what’s unexpectedly gone right? 1. Boost to Sovereignty Brexit has given the UK the chance to craft laws and regulations tailored specifically to its own needs, without needing approval from EU bodies. 2. Global Trade Opportunities … Read more

21 Significant Changes in Europe’s Political Landscape

Europe is facing a period of intense political upheaval. As the continent grapples with these transformations, let’s explore how these shifts could reshape the Europe we know. 1. Rise of the Right In countries like Italy and Sweden, there’s been a notable swing toward right-wing parties. These groups capitalise on nationalistic sentiments, promising to tighten … Read more