20 Phrases We Should Stop Saying Around Kids Today

In a world that’s rapidly evolving, the way we talk to our children about gender plays a significant role in shaping a more inclusive society. It’s time to challenge and change the traditional narratives that limit our kids’ potential based on gender. 1. “Boys Don’t Cry” Suppressing emotions is unhealthy for anyone, regardless of gender. … Read more

Setting the Record Straight: 15 LGBTQ+ Myths

In today’s digital age, misinformation spreads faster than the truth, and the LGBTQ+ community often finds itself at the centre of unfounded myths and misconceptions. These untruths can perpetuate discrimination, hinder progress, and muddy the waters of understanding and acceptance. Let’s debunk 15 of the most common myths about the LGBTQ+ community. 1. “Being LGBTQ+ … Read more

Proudly Fly the Pride Flag: 15 Reasons

Flying the Pride flag is more than just a colourful display; it’s a powerful symbol of visibility, acceptance, and rights for the LGBTQ+ community. As the flag soars, it sends a message of inclusion and support, breaking through the static of indifference and challenging the status quo. 1. Advocating Visibility Raising the Pride flag makes … Read more

15 Non-Binary Myths You Shouldn’t Believe

In a world where everyone’s an expert after a 5-minute scroll through social media, misconceptions about non-binary identities spread faster than the latest dance craze. Let’s set the record straight, shall we? For those who might not know, non-binary folks are those who don’t exclusively identify as male or female. Simple, right? Well, let’s dive … Read more

20 Influences Shaping the Gender Identity Controversy in the UK

The UK is deep into a heated debate about gender identity that seems to cut through every part of society and politics. These conversations aren’t just happening in parliaments and protests; they’re affecting everyone’s daily life. 1. Labour Party’s Shaky Stance You might’ve noticed the Labour Party struggling to find common ground on gender identity. … Read more

18 Men Who Are Shaping the Future of Feminism

The fight for gender equality has found champions in men across all walks of life, including those from the LGBTQ+ community and people of colour. These advocates understand that feminism’s goals benefit society as a whole, and they’re putting in the work to make those goals a reality. Here’s how they’re contributing to the movement. … Read more

15 Common Transgender Myths and the Truth Behind Them

In the realm of social justice and equality, transgender issues have taken centre stage, yet they’re often shrouded in misinformation and stereotypes. Let’s debunk some of the most common and dangerous myths about transgender people. 1. “Transgender Is a Mental Illness” Contrary to outdated beliefs, being transgender is not a mental illness. The American Psychiatric … Read more

The Hardest Places to Be LGBTQ: 16 Countries in Focus

In an alarming number of countries, being LGBTQ can mean risking imprisonment, torture, or severe punishment. This stark reality highlights the extreme dangers faced by LGBTQ individuals in certain parts of the world. Here are 16 countries where simply being yourself is a punishable offence, underscoring a global human rights crisis. 1. Nigeria Nigeria enforces … Read more

21 Myths About Transgender People You Need to Know

Transgender people often face misunderstandings and myths that can create barriers to acceptance and equality. It’s time to address and debunk these myths with facts and empathy, paving the way for a more inclusive world. Let’s dive into the truths behind some common misconceptions. 1. Being Transgender Is a Choice Fact: Being transgender is not … Read more

Navigating Religious Freedom and LGBTQ+ Rights: Where Is the Line?

The tension between religious freedom and LGBTQ+ rights is a heated and deeply personal battleground. Where do you stand when one person’s freedom is another’s discrimination? Let’s unpack this complex issue together. 1. Defining Religious Freedom Religious freedom is a fundamental right, protecting individuals’ ability to worship or not as they see fit. But when … Read more