Life can be full of surprises, but there are specific rules that we all seem to follow without even realizing it. These are the unwritten laws of the universe that govern everything from social interactions to personal success. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a newcomer to the game of life, these rules are essential to your success and happiness.
Redditor, Shadow_2116 asked the Reddit community what they thought these rules are when they asked, “What are some unwritten life rules everyone must know?”. The question got thousands of responses, here are the top 10 ranked by up votes.
#1. Not Everybody is Your Friend – 16.1K Votes

Psyclopsus gave the top voted contribution when they said, “Not everybody is your friend, be careful who you vent to. Many people only want juicy gossip and don’t give a **** about you or your problems.”
OneObi agreed, “A good sign of this is where your friend brings you dirt or juicy stuff about someone else that likely was said in confidence or probably shouldn’t have been communicated out. If they do that, your info is equally being dished out.”
#2. Bad People Don’t Won’t Always Be Punished – 15.7K Votes

Sadstupidpigeon gave the second highest up voted response. They said, “Horrible people wont always be punished for hurting others and it sucks.”
Commercial_Yak7468 added, “ I will also add, that a good number of times the horrible person will be rewarded.”
#3. Beware of Some Family Members – 9.1K Votes

Lo-Fi_Kuzco’s contribution was also popular. They said, “That just because someone is family, doesn’t mean they’re a good person.”
In reply, Sayor1 said, “Its so wild how people call you a bad person for avoiding your family despite knowing nothing about their family. ‘It doesn’t matter what they did you were in the wrong because they’re family’ makes zero sense to me but other people look at me like I’m the lost one.”
#4. Don’t Be Nosey – 8.4K Votes

Back2Bach advised, “If someone gives you their phone to look at a picture, don’t swipe next to the other pictures.”
#5. Admit When You’re Wrong – 8.1K Votes

_Space_platypus_ thought that one of the rules is to, “Admit when you’ve done something wrong.”
But they also warned, “Just because you apologize doesn’t mean the other party has to forgive and forget.”
#6. Your Best Friend May Not Feel The Same – 8.1K Votes

Swatguy06 response was to say, “Your best friend may not consider you their best friend.
#7. Good Mental Health is Down to You 7.2K Votes

-Lighght-‘s contribution saw a good number of votes. They said, “Your mental health isn’t your fault, but it is your responsibility.”
HisFaithRestored added, “In the same vein, your feelings are valid, your reactions may not be.”
#8. Under Promise and Over Deliver – 6.1K Votes

Ballistic-jelly’s suggestion was to, “Under promise and over deliver. People will think you are a genius.”
James2603 replied giving a word of warning, “If someone wants a task done within 3 days and it takes you half a day to complete, deliver it at the start of day three or next time they’ll want it done in half a day.”
#9. Life Can Suck – 4.3K Vote

Manofredgables response was, “Life actually sucks a lot of the time. If you expect to be happy all the time, you will be sorely disappointed and lost. Instead, work up a resilience to the hard times and take your time to enjoy the good times.”
Happydanksgiving2me added, “Took a long time for me to understand this.” Manofredgables gave a reply to this saying, “Yeah because no one really talks about it, and for some weird reason the only accepted default state is ‘happy’.”
#10. Beware of Your Strong Opinions – 4.2K Votes

The last of Reddit’s top 10 was from Heatherfeatherpigeon who said, “Don’t have strong opinions about something you know nothing about.”
02K30C1 added, “But I want to be angry!”
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The post 10 Unwritten Life Rules That if You’re Human, You Have to Follow and Everyone Will Relate To first appeared on List Lovers.
Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Cast Of Thousands.